Case Study: Fractional CMO Dropshipping Startup

Client: Health and Wellness E-commerce Startup (Dropshipping Model)

Referral Source: Past Satisfied Client


The client, a passionate team of health and wellness experts, found themselves stuck in the early stages of launching their e-commerce dropshipping business. They had invested several months and resources with an offshore web designer who prioritized aesthetics over functionality and communication. The resulting website, while visually appealing with animations, failed to convey the company’s core message, value proposition, or product benefits.


  • Unclear Brand Messaging: The website lacked clear communication about the company’s mission, product offerings, and the problems they solve for customers.
  • Incomplete E-commerce Functionality: Merchant processing through WooCommerce was not operational, hindering the ability to accept payments and fulfill orders.
  • SEO Neglect: Despite having an SEO plugin, no actual optimization strategies were implemented, limiting organic discoverability.
  • Tax Complications: The crucial aspect of sales tax collection and remittance had been overlooked, posing potential legal and financial risks.
  • Marketing Absence: The company lacked a cohesive digital marketing strategy to attract and engage their target audience.

Solutions & Actions:

  1. Brand Messaging & Positioning: Collaborated with the client to define their unique value proposition and craft compelling brand messaging that resonated with their target audience. This messaging was then integrated throughout the website content and marketing materials.
  2. E-commerce Optimization: Worked with a trusted developer to ensure seamless integration and functionality of WooCommerce, including merchant processing, secure checkout, and order fulfillment processes.
  3. SEO Implementation: Developed and executed a comprehensive SEO strategy, including keyword research, on-page optimization, technical SEO fixes, and content creation to improve organic search rankings and drive targeted traffic.
  4. Tax Compliance: Connected the client with a tax expert to navigate the complexities of sales tax regulations and implement appropriate collection and remittance procedures.
  5. Digital Marketing Strategy: Built a multi-channel digital marketing strategy encompassing:
    • Data Capture: Implemented lead generation forms and email opt-in incentives to build an email list for nurturing leads and driving sales.
    • Email Marketing: Developed engaging email campaigns to nurture leads, promote products, and build customer relationships.
    • Content Marketing: Created valuable and informative content, such as blog posts, articles, and social media posts, to attract organic traffic, establish thought leadership, and build brand awareness.
    • Social Media Marketing: Established and managed social media profiles to engage with the target audience, build community, and drive traffic to the website.


  • Increased Brand Clarity: The website effectively communicates the company’s mission, value proposition, and product benefits, leading to improved brand perception and customer engagement.
  • Functional E-commerce Platform: A fully operational e-commerce platform enables smooth transactions, order fulfillment, and revenue generation.
  • Improved SEO Performance: Increased organic search visibility and website traffic due to effective SEO implementation.
  • Tax Compliance: The client is now compliant with sales tax regulations, mitigating legal and financial risks.
  • Growing Audience and Sales: The comprehensive digital marketing strategy has resulted in a growing email list, increased website traffic, and ultimately, higher sales conversions.


This case study demonstrates the value of a fractional CMO in guiding startups through the challenges of launching and growing an e-commerce business. By addressing critical issues like brand messaging, e-commerce functionality, SEO, and tax compliance and implementing a comprehensive digital marketing strategy, we helped this dropshipping startup overcome obstacles and achieve sustainable growth.

Call to Action:

Regardless of the size or stage of your business, I can help analyze your digital marketing needs, identify areas for improvement, and create a customized plan for growth. Let’s connect and discuss how I can help your business thrive in the digital landscape.

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